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Every 25 years, it begins. Bound to an ancient pact, a family of unlimited power descend upon a small rural town to sacrifice 4 human lives, one being a member of their own family. The ritual starts with the rape of a local girl, 18 year old Kerry. Finding herself pregnant, she realizes her unborn baby is the target of a sinister plot. As the months pass and people around her begin to turn up dead, she desperately searches for a way out of this unthinkable situation. The family must perform this ritual to maintain their power or die. In charge of carrying out each sacrifice as his initiation is David, a young man conflicted with his destiny. He unexpectedly begins to fall for Kerry, which weighs on his conscience as they get closer to the final sacrifice. What starts off as a thriller soon descends into the realm of horror as occult rituals and ancient pacts take hold of one girls life, binding her to a fate she cannot possibly fathom. ROSEMARYS BABY meets DRAG ME TO HELL in this twisted and dark look into the occult and how far the human spirit can take one soul in its most desperate hour. Layered with plot twists and conflicted characters, BLOODLINE follows six people as they carry out their destiny to their ultimate horror.


  • 豆瓣6.8正片凶兆前传尼尔·泰格·弗莉,托菲克·巴霍姆,索尼娅·布拉加,拉尔夫·伊内森,比尔·奈伊,米娅·麦戈文·扎伊尼,安东·亚历山大,安德烈·阿坎杰利,玛丽亚·卡巴雷诺,阿莱西亚·博纳奇,伊什塔尔·柯里-威尔逊,彼得·阿佩塞拉,西尔维娅·帕纳乔内,马里奥·欧普特,阿德里亚诺·阿拉贡,多纳泰拉·巴托丽
  • 676播放正片母亲的直觉安妮·海瑟薇,杰西卡·查斯坦,乔西·查尔斯,卡罗琳·拉格菲尔特,安德斯·丹尼尔森·李,亚历山大·布莱斯,史蒂夫·罗特曼,斯科特·罗伯特森,乔尔·奈格勒,劳伦·雅弗,贝伦·D·比利兹,姬莉·米勒,埃蒙·帕特里克·欧康奈,拉里·彼特森,阿洛·史密斯,吉娜·古兹·弗兰西娅
  • 839播放正片嗜血Sarah,J.,Butler,Sky,Crystal,Baxter,Dowell
  • 407播放正片泰迪凶熊Tim,Hatch,Jeff,Kirkendall,Michael,Korotitsch,Natalie,Himmelberger,
  • 322播放正片极度残暴Ben,Oliphint,Dylan,DeVo,Christian,Hurley
  • 997播放正片保姆Aisling,Knight,Richard,Kilgour,Nick,Bridge-Butler,Jill,Buchanan,Bjorn,Franklin
  • 3071播放第4集女教师金荷娜;李源根;刘仁英;金秀珍;权秀贤;洪万彪;林华映;郑锡勇;安晟敏
  • 577播放正片恐怖游湖暂无简介
  • 570播放更新至8集没有秘密李京美,孙艺珍,金柱赫,申智熏,朴镇宇,
  • 345播放正片失落少年阿瓦·拉塔纳平塔,亚瑞克·阿莫苏帕西瑞,卜密巴特·塔沃斯理,帕尼莎拉·里库苏拉康,沃恩吉莱·勒姆威拉伊
  • 215播放正片守夜人:恶魔永世同在苏菲·格拉宝,洛特·安德森,乌尔夫·皮尔加德
  • 豆瓣6.2正片熊熊燃烧拉米莎·纳瓦尔,奥马尔·贾维德,巴塔瓦尔·马扎尔,穆罕默德·阿里·哈希米,阿德楠·沙·提普,吉布兰·汗,Vajdaan,Shah


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